FASD Simulation Test: John's Results

John, who has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), surprised me by being able to pass this test at all, but it did take him several tries and some cuing on my part.

First time through, he scratched his head and said, "I couldn't read what it said to do. What is that sound?" I told him he could try again, and not to be too distracted by the sound.

He watched the second time through, and was able to read the part about pressing a key, and pressed a key. He thought any key would do, and pressed the k key - very close! It is typical for John and others with FASDs to guess at the answer, and sometimes we might not realize it because they happen to guess right, when they really don't have a clue.

The thrid time through, he was able to discover that there was a specific key he had to press, but had no clue about finding the eighth letter of the alphabet.

The 4th time through, I cued him by asking him what was the first letter of the alphabet, and he laughed and said, "That's easy, it's 'a'!" I said, "So, if 'a' is the first letter, what is the eighth letter?" "I don't know." I suggested that he count out on his fingers, a math helper that he used in school but must have forgotten.

The 5th try, he pressed the j key. Nothing happened, and I cued him that he had started counting with his index finger and forgot to count his thumb.

On the 6th try, he pressed the i key. Counting is not his strong point. Actually he can count really good, but connecting the right letter to the right finger was a little tricky. If I had used clapping instead of fingers, he might have reached the right answer sooner, as audio cues work better for John.

On the 7th try, he pressed the h key and realized success. He felt proud that he had been able to figure it out.

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