FAS and Moral Character
© 2002 Teresa Kellerman

Let's talk about morality as it relates to FAS disorders. Moral character is one thing, and the ability to develop that is another. Consicence is related to morality in that we learn what is right and wrong from our parents, our spiritual leaders, our culture, and our laws. But the other part of that is the willingness and/or ability to act wisely with the knowledge of right and wrong.

If a person has a healthy brain and has been raised in a healthy environment, and chooses to go against their conscience, then that person is to be held accountable for his/her behavior.

If a person has been raised with abuse and/or neglect, or has had poor role models to learn from, it is harder to hold that person responsible.

If the person was exposed prenatally to alcohol before birth (whether there is evidence of full FAS or not), then that person is at risk of having a neurologically stunted social development, resulting in what looks like immoral behavior. In reality, this is a faulty program of the brain, whereby the person does not have consistent control over behaving in a morally correct manner.

Studies about morality will lead a student to learn about the different stages of moral development that a healthy individual goes through in life. Imagine that an adult has never had the capacity, physiologically, to grow beyond the childhood stage of conscience development? That is what we see with FAS, FAE and cases of alcohol exposure without any diagnosis.

Here are some other articles that explore conscience and morality and how they are affected by FAS disorders?


More about FAS and conscience development here
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