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The following books have been selected by the FAS Community Resource Center as the BEST books available on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. Thanks for ordering your books through the FASD Book Store.

New FASD Book

The Long Way to SimpleThe Long Way to Simple is a new book by Stephen Neafcy, an adult with FAS. Steve offers a fresh perspective into FASD from the affected individual's experience. This easy read offers insights for parents and professionals and encouragement for persons who suffer brain damage from prenatal exposure to alcohol.Order it here on Amazon. Read an article about the book and the author here. Visit Steve's web site

ADHD and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
by Dr. Kieran D. O'Malley
"This multi-author book will discuss the history and clinical presentation of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders(FASD). These developmental neuropsychiatric disorders result from prenatal exposure to alcohol during any gestational period of pregnancy. The book addresses the co-occurring presence of ADHD in patients with FASD. ADHD is the most frequent neuropsychiatric presentation of FASD throughout the lifespan and it is particularly difficult to manage because the underlying pathophysiology is related to prenatal neurotoxic brain injury."
Reccommended for Professionals

"Although prenatal alcohol exposure , and the resulting FASD, is recognized as the commonest preventable cause of intellectual disabilty, many clinicians and educators are not aware that 75 to 80% of the patients with FASD have I.Q.s over 70. Thus, the neuropsychiatric presentation of FASD can often be unrecognized or misunderstood. FASD are the true clinical 'masqueraders' and ADHD is their most likely disguise! "

Damaged Angels - USA Edition
Damaged Angels: An Adoptive Mother's Struggle to Understand the Tragic Toll of Alcohol in Pregnancy
A new book by Bonnie Buxton about her experience as a parent of a child with alcohol related neurodevelopmental disorder. Her daughter's disability went undiagnosed until her late teens. Bonnie shares her family's personal struggles, her insights into the social impact of FASD, and facts based on current research. This is a "must read" for every parent, professional, and caregiver.
Read the Review.

Damaged Angels - Canadian Version

USA Version!

Damaged Angels
by Bonnie Buxton
Canada Version!

Damaged Angels
by Bonnie Buxton

9 Lives I Will Survive
by Jan Crossen
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ADHD and Fetal
Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
by Dr. Kieran D. O'Malley

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Fantastic Antone Succeeds
by Judith Kleinfeld

Fantastic Antone Grows Up:
Adolescents and Adults
With Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
by Judith Kleinfeld
ONLY $4.95

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
and Fetal Alcohol Effects:
Strategies for Professionals
by Diane Malbin

Alcohol & Pregnancy
- A Mother’s
Responsible Disturbance
by Elizabeth Russell

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Fetal Alcohol Syndrome:
A Guide for Families and Communities
by Ann Streissguth
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Hard to Place:
A Crime of Alcohol
by Katherine Norgard, Ph.D.
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Broken Cord by Michael Dorris,
Winner of National Book
Critics Circle Award
Order it here!

The Challenge of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome:
Overcoming Secondary Disabilities
by Ann Streissguth

Our Fascinating
by Jodee Kulp
and daughter Liz
2nd edition

Trying Differently
Rather Than Harder
by Diane Malbin

The Martian Child
by David Gerrold
Award Winning Author

Living In My Skin
The Insider's View
of Life With a
Special Needs Child
by Lori A. Hickman

The Out-Of-Sync Child:
Recognizing and Coping With
Sensory Integration Dysfunction
by Carol Stock Kranowitz
and Larry B. Silver

The Difficult Child
by Stanley Turecki
and Leslie Tonner

Beautiful Smiles, Gentle Spirits
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders:
A Misunderstood Problem
A new book by Margaret Michaud
with contributions from David
Boulding and Teresa Kellerman
and a Canadian resource directory.

Infants and Children with Prenatal
Alcohol and Drug Exposure:
A Guide to Identification
and Intervention
by Keeta DeStefano Lewis

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