FASD Simulation Test Analysis

If you passed this test on your first try, you are blessed with some incredibly good test-taking genes. More than likely you had to try a few times to figure it out. If you did not figure it out yet, go back and try again now. Not just to humor me, but to experience first the frustration of failure and then the joy of success. This is important to have this experience embedded in your recent memory to appreciate the insights to be gained by this exercise.

Individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) who take this or other tests might experience low self-esteem, think they are stupid, tell themselves "I can't do it," experience frustration, anger, and discouragement. Perhaps you experienced some of these feelings too.

The person with an FASD might have difficulty taking tests or following instructions for various reasons:

We can help individuals with FASD to succeed at school or on the job by helping those who interact with them to understand the neurological nature of FASD. Here are some specific things we can do:

Note that all these suggestions involve changing ourselves or the environment. Perhaps you can think of more suggestions. There is not one set of solutions that will work for all. The key to helping the person succeed is to be open to new methods of intervention, to have good creative problem-solving skills, and to have an adequate understanding of the neurological mechanations of FAS disorders.
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