About the Fetal Alcohol Resource Center

The Fetal Alcohol Resource Center is located at 6740 S. Tucson Blvd. in Tucson, Arizona. Click here for map and directions.

The Center offers resources related to FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders) including but not limited to the following activities:

The Center originated as the FAS Community Resource Center (FAS-CRC) which was founded in 1995 as a result of the 3-year FAS Prevention Project of the Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities. The Prevention Committee was chaired by Dr. Gail Harris, who conducted a citywide forum on FAS. Teresa Kellerman, coordinator, is an adoptive parent with 20 years experience in successful FASD intervention. She has worked with Dr. Gail Harris, founder of Parent Connection, and Ron Barber, Arizona Division of Developmental Disabilities, District II Director.

The focus of the Center is PREVENTION: Primary prevention raises awareness in the general population to reduce the incidence of FASD. Secondary prevention focuses on women at high risk - those who have already had a child with FASD. Tertiary prevention focuses on reducing the incidence of secondary conditions associated with FASD. We do this by providing support to individuals of all ages, and their families, who already live with FASD.

The FARC is supported by the Arizona Department of Economic Security, Division of Developmental Disabilities. An office, family lounge, and playroom are provided where monthly support group meetings are conducted on the first Friday each month, and where community workshops are conducted by special arrangement.

The FARC has produced an educational video for teens (“FAS:Everbybody’s Baby”) and posters to promote FASD awareness. FARC was a primary promoter of FASWORLD’s first international FAS Awareness Day on 9-9-99.

The Mission of the Fetal Alcohol Resource Center

Raising awareness throughout Arizona about the effects of prenatal exposure to alcohol and promoting prevention efforts to reduce the incidence of Fetal Alcohol disorders caused by prenatal exposure to alcohol.

Providing intervention information to educators, service providers, and other professionals in Arizona.

Giving support and guidance to families and individuals who are challenged with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) and Alcohol Related Neurodevelopmental Disorders (ARND).

Through a grant from the Arizona Department of Health, Office of Women & Children's Services, the FAS Center conducted a statewide FAS Conference in Tucson in November of 2001 and published a web site to provide information on FAS issues that are specific to Arizona. Visit http://www.fasarizona.com.

For more information about the Center or to arrange for an appointment or training, contact Teresa Kellerman by email at

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Web page www.come-over.to/FASCRC/farc.htm last updated September 30, 2015
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